P. 28

i)  Land used for building water supply works, including water extraction and water
                   treatment works, pipelines, works in the water supply pipeline system, and works
                   facilitating the management and operation of the water supply system
                   (administrative offices, executive offices, factories, and warehouses).
                k) Land used for building infrastructure in industrial parks, industrial clusters, and
                   processing and exporting zones according to the planning approved by competent
                   authorities and prescribed in Clause 2, Article 149 of the Law on Land.

               2   The land rents and water surface rents shall be exempted during the fundamental
                   construction period according to the projects approved by competent authorities no
                   later than 03 years from the issuance of the land lease or water surface lease
                   decisions.  If  a  land  renter  uses  the  land  for  agricultural  production  (planting
                   perennials) according to the project approved by competent authorities, the land rent
                   exemption shall apply to each type of perennial during the fundamental construction
                   period in accordance with the technical process for planting and caring for perennials
                   regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The land rents and
                   water surface rents shall be exempted during the fundamental construction period of
                   projects in association with the land leased from the State, altering from non-levied
                   land allocation to land lease, except for investment projects on the renovation and
                   enlargement of production and business establishments and replantation on the land
                   leased by the State.
               3   The land rents and water surface rents shall be exempted after the land rent
                   and water surface rent exemption of the fundamental construction period in
                   accordance with the regulations in Clause 2 of this Article. To be specific:

                a) In three (3) years with regard to projects whose domains are on the List of domains
                   entitled to investment incentives; new business establishments of the economic
                   organizations which are moved due to the planning or environment pollution.
                b) In seven (7) years with regard to investment projects in socio-economically
                   disadvantaged areas.
                c) In  eleven  (11)  years  with  regard  to  investment  projects  in  particularly
                   socio-economically disadvantaged areas; investment projects whose domains are
                   on  the  List  of  domains  entitled  to  special  investment  incentives;  projects  whose
                   domains  are on the List of  domains entitled  to investment incentives, which are
                   implemented in socio-economically disadvantaged areas.
                d) In fifteen (15) years with regard to projects whose domains are on the List of
                   domains entitled to investment incentives, which are implemented in particularly
                   socio-economically disadvantaged areas; projects whose domains are on the List of
                   domains entitled to special investment incentives, which are implemented in
                   socio-economically disadvantaged areas.
                  The List of domains entitled to investment incentives and special investment
                   incentives,    socio-economically      disadvantaged      areas,    and     particularly
                   socio-economically disadvantaged areas are prescribed in law on investment.
                  The List of geographical areas entitled to land rent incentives shall only apply to
                   geographical areas with specific administrative boundaries.

                                                    LIST OF PROJECTS ATTRACTING INVESTMENT                     115
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