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Experts emphasize the human factor when Vietnam develops the Digital Economy


Experts emphasize the human factor when Vietnam develops the Digital Economy


Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu believes that businesses need to have a Digital Economy strategy, invest in people, train new and retrain personnel, and encourage Innovation.

Production of electronic components. (Illustration photo. Source: VNA)


In the context of the rapidly developing Fourth Industrial Revolution, Digital Economy plays an increasingly important role in the economic structure of each country. Vietnam is also not out of the trend when considering the Digital Economy as a growth driver in the coming decades.

In the National Strategy for Developing the Digital Economy and Digital Society to 2025, with a vision to 2030, Vietnam has set a goal that by 2025, the proportion of Digital Economy will reach 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). and by 2030, this number will be 30% of GDP.

Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu - expert in the field of cybersecurity, anti-fraud and fraud on telecommunications networks in Luxembourg about the dynamics and risks of Digital Economy development, as well as an assessment of the current situation in Viet Nam.

Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu is currently in charge of innovative research and product development in the Cyberlabs group of POST Luxembourg Group.

Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu said that in the Digital Economy, production, services, trade, education... all operate on connected digital platforms (information technology and telecommunications). There are four important factors that need to be invested and developed synchronously, including people, legal institutions, network infrastructure, content and Digital Knowledge.

Assessing Vietnam, Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu said that in the current period, people and legal institutions are the two most important factors that need to be prioritized. Regarding people, in addition to operations, management, application development and infrastructure teams, there is a need for a team of experts, engineers, researchers and strategic planners.

According to this expert, training quality personnel according to international standards to meet the needs of the Digital Economy is a big challenge. Regarding legal institutions, there needs to be an appropriate legal corridor to keep up with the development and create conditions for the Digital 

Economy. This factor ranges from uniform government policies to specific regulations on cybersecurity, data protection, intellectual property rights, and privacy.

Through learning and objectively and scientifically evaluating the lessons of countries and economic entities such as the European Union (EU), the US, China, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam will gain experience. quarterly to guide the Digital Economy.

The Digital Economy promises to create equal opportunities for everyone, eliminating geographical differences or many privileges that previously only had a few economic centers. The Digital Economy requires people to have the skills to use and own smartphones, but not all people have the financial capacity. Therefore, Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu emphasized that the government needs to prioritize investment in connection infrastructure so that all people can access the Digital Economy through policies that prioritize development, subsidize Internet prices, and eradicate poverty. or education.

According to experts, currently, Luxembourg has been doing a good job of eliminating poverty, ensuring a minimum income through laws and tax policies, and setting up continuing education centers to retrain those without basic skills. on information technology, establishing training centers to connect a team of experts.

Besides convenience, transaction activities in cyberspace pose many potential risks such as personal information disclosure, fraud, etc.

According to Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu, digital platforms not only facilitate economic activities but also crimes. Cyber attacks and fraud are increasingly complex, sophisticated and cross-border. To effectively prevent these risks, experts emphasize the combination of the four factors mentioned: people, legal institutions, network infrastructure, content and Digital Knowledge.

First, people need to be fully aware of risks in cyberspace. Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu said this goal can be achieved through extensive and continuous training and propaganda for the people.

Regarding human resources, it is necessary to have a force of engineers and cyber security experts capable of safely deploying and operating the system. Second, there needs to be specific regulations, clearly delineating the importance of information, to ensure network security, data protection, and privacy protection.

Third, network infrastructure needs to be invested and developed to ensure safety against cyber attack risks. Finally, digital content and knowledge are the most important assets of individuals and businesses and should be prioritized for protection from the first steps of Digital Transformation.

For businesses, the Digital Economy brings many opportunities to access and share information and knowledge with communities that share common interests and bring about cooperation in production projects.

According to Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu, businesses will recognize that the Digital Economy is not only a tool to increase production efficiency, but also create new opportunities, business models, new products and services.

Referring to this issue, Dr. Nguyen Duy Cu said that businesses need to have a Digital Economy strategy, and orient themselves to a position in the Digital Economy. Businesses must invest in people, train new and retrained personnel, and encourage Innovation. As for security, businesses need to prioritize investing in information systems, investing effectively and systematically (equipment, operations, people) for security and data security.

Experts emphasize that full awareness of cyber security risks is very important, especially from the top leadership of businesses to make long-term investments for businesses ready to participate in the economy. Te No./.

According to VNA



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