Investment News




 Officials of the Department of Science and Technology handle administrative complaints at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center.

On that basis, the Department promoted reform of administrative procedures with the goal of reducing and simplifying at least 20% of the procedures and costs of carrying out procedures to create favorable conditions for businesses. At the same time, complete the renovation and implement the one-stop-shop, one-stop-shop mechanism in handling administrative procedures in the direction of improving service quality, not following administrative boundaries, enhancing IT application, and reducing travel time. in return, social costs; focus on digitizing administrative procedure settlement results and sharing data in administrative procedure settlement in the electronic environment. Maintaining 100% administrative procedures under the handling competence of the Department of Science and Technology, providing online public services at level 4, provided on the National Public Service Portal; strive for 100% of online public services to reach level 4 to meet the needs and requirements of people and businesses on various means of access, especially on mobile phones.

The Department directs specialized departments to continue effectively implementing Resolution No. 313/2020/NQ-HDND of the Provincial People's Council "On a number of financial mechanisms to encourage and support organizations, businesses and individuals personnel in S&T activities in Quang Ninh province in the period of 2021-2025"; including: Support for the development of intellectual property assets; develop product and goods quality standards; production activities, high technology application, innovation and technology transfer; connecting supply - demand, technology and equipment market.

Source: Collector