Investment News

Diverse solutions in attracting investment


Attracting investment into the area is always one of the important tasks that Quang Ninh strives to carry out. Especially in 2023, with the theme "Improving the effectiveness of attracting investment and the quality of people's lives", this task at all levels and sectors in the area is increasingly important. enhance implementation.

The province has focused on directing the completion of planning and plans, especially general planning, regional planning, subdivision planning and land use plans; promptly remove difficulties and obstacles regarding site clearance, land, investment , construction... Thereby attracting interested investors and implementing investment projects, especially in economic zones (EZs). ), industrial park (IZ) in the province.

On the other hand, the province focuses on directing the selective attraction of new generation foreign direct investment (FDI) capital into key industrial parks and economic zones, such as: Quang Yen coastal economic zone, Mong Cai border gate economic zone... Accordingly, priority will be given to high-tech, environmentally friendly processing and manufacturing industry projects that contribute greatly to the budget.

The province, departments, branches and localities regularly urge, support and promptly remove difficulties and obstacles to promote secondary projects in industrial parks and economic zones to come into operation soon.

Along with that, Quang Ninh continues to effectively implement digital transformation, reform administrative procedures, improve the business investment environment, enhance provincial competitiveness... striving to maintain Maintaining the top position in PCI and PAR INDEX at the provincial level. Currently, the total number of administrative procedures under the province's jurisdiction is 1,785 administrative procedures. The total number of administrative procedures resolved at the Provincial HCC Service Center is 1,304, of which 1,095 administrative procedures were handled according to the "5 on the spot" principle.