Investment News

Hon Gai Port Security Guard Station: Many creative ways


The Party Committee and Commanding Board of Hon Gai Port Border Guard Station are always interested in comprehensively and synchronously implementing the emulation movement to win with many specific and practical solutions.

Deeply aware of the position, role, meaning and importance of the emulation movement is the driving force behind the successful completion of assigned tasks, thereby educating employees to master their responsibilities. service, cultivation, training of qualities, ethics, lifestyle, raising the sense of responsibility, professional qualifications. Therefore, every year, the Party Committee and Commanding Board of Hon Gai Port Border Guard Station always thoroughly grasp the directions and instructions of their superiors on implementing the emulation movement to each officer.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Thanh Hoang, Politburo member of Hon Gai Port Border Guard Station, said: In order for the emulation movement to be highly effective, the party committees and commanders of the station have launched extensive campaigns and comprehensively deployed them across the country. all aspects of work, associated with building a regular, strong and comprehensive unit that is "exemplary and typical". The content and targets of the emulation movement always closely follow the political task.

The Hon Gai port border gate guard station is responsible for managing and protecting the sovereignty and security of the port and sea area with a frontage of 67.7 km in the area of ​​16 communes and wards of Ha Long city and Quang Yen town. With the characteristics of large area management, many teams, stations, and small scattered departments, far from direct command and direction, the situation of political security, social order and safety still has many potential factors. complex, the emulation movement of the unit is closely linked between regular and raid emulation, specialized and thematic emulation movements and campaigns.

In particular, the emulation movement of Hoan Gai Port Border Guard Station has focused on the content of weak stages and difficult tasks. On the basis of the common targets of the unit, the collectives and individuals register the implementation content, monthly learn from the things that can and cannot be done to overcome and repair in time. At the same time, attaching the emulation movement to the determination to win with the continued promotion of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style and the campaign "Promoting tradition, dedicating talents, worthy of the title of the Ministry of Education and Training". Uncle Ho's team".

Sticking to the theme of "Unity, exemplary, disciplined, flexible, creative, determined to win", with specific emulation contents, objectives, synchronous measures, from the winning emulation movement really create motivation to promote the process of implementing and successfully completing the assigned political tasks.

In the 10 months of 2022, the unit has patrolled and controlled over 200 turns of crews and boats, with over 1,000 turns of officials participating. Clearing entry procedures for 810 ships and over 16,000 crew members; exit for 854 ships, over 16,600 crew members. In particular, the reform of administrative procedures and electronic border guard procedures at seaports have been promoted, improving the quality and efficiency of import and export management and control, creating maximum favorable conditions for businesses.

Carrying out the emulation movement to win, the unit also tracked down and arrested 1 vehicle and 9 suspected criminals, seized 73.36 tons of coal worth more than 200 million VND and handed it over to the Military Region Criminal Investigation Agency. continue to investigate according to authority. Arrest and handle 32 cases, 32 subjects, 32 means of administrative violations, fined nearly 300 million VND. Continue to effectively carry out propaganda for fishermen about the Fisheries Cooperation Agreement, the delimitation of the Gulf of Tonkin, the Law on Vietnam's Border Guard...

Promoting the experience and achieved results, in the coming time, the Hon Gai port border guard station will continue to promote the emulation movement to win with specific and practical actions; thoroughly overcome weak and difficult stages, create motivation to further improve work quality and efficiency, contributing to the successful completion of all assigned tasks.