Investment News

Sea sand trialed for levelling in expressway construction


Material shortages are hampering progress at expressway projects and alternatives are sought.

The Minister of Transport has asked relevant agencies to report on the results of the trial use of sea sand as material for leveling in the construction of expressways.

It said a study on the use of sea sand is an important task ordered by the Prime Minister and the government in order to establish the feasibility of using the material in construction projects amid widespread material shortages affecting progress.

Many expressway projects are to be built in the Mekong Delta from now to 2025, and demand for sand for leveling is estimated at 54 million cu m, according to the ministry. However, sand reserves at rivers is quite low and short of demand.

Earlier, the ministry directed relevant agencies and contractors to use sea sand for leveling in the Mekong Delta projects. Sea sand was trialed in a section of the Hau Giang - Ca Mau Expressway, which was completed and put into operation in July.

Initial assessments show that the use of sea sand basically meets requirements in leveling, according to the ministry.