P. 28


           Location: Within Dam Nha Mac Industrial – Service
           Park. Within the boundaries of Tien Phong, Lien Hoa,
           Lien Vi and Phong Coc communes in seaport services,
           seaport, industrial and urban Area in Dam Nha Mac,
           Quang Yen district-level town, Quang Ninh Province.
           Area: 1.192 ha

           Employer:  North  Tien  Phong  Industrial  Park  Joint
           Stock Company

           Address: No.8-9 D My Gia,  Vinhomes Dragon Bay
           Urban Area, Ha Long City, Quang Ninh
           Tel: +84 203 3567 848                         substation, a 22KV power line shall be constructed
                                                         to supply to land plots inside the industrial park; 16
           Characteristics: Being a seaport-industrial park   newly constructed medium-voltage 22KV power
           complex within seaport services, seaport, industrial   lines being connected at 110/22KV substation shall
           and urban Area in Dam Nha Mac Industrial Park,   be arranged into 8 loop circuits for supply to the
           Quang Yen district-level town including the following   industrial park.
           main fuctions:
                                                         Water supply: From Yen Lap, Cam La and Lien Vi water
           + Provision of seaport services (cargo handling; cargo   plants. Water is supplied to the area via the pipeline
           delivery and storage, etc.); Commercial services,   running along the main road, to the function areas
           logistics, warehouse and industries relating to   via booster pump stations, water towers in technical
           seaports – logistics;
                                                         infrastructure center
           + Development of the following industries: Industries   Drainage system, waste/waste water treatment
           which require seaport, logistics services, mechanics   system:
           (automation,mechatronics, industrial electronics,
           etc.), metallurgy; Supporting industries, construction   + Under planning, 03 wastewater treatment stations
           materials, industrial materials and energy industries;   with a capacity of 4000 m3/day are arranged for the
           Food processing industry, textiles, footwear,   seaport; 12,000 m3/day for the industrial park; 8,000
           intermediary industries, etc.;                m3/day for the port services area.
                                                         +  The wastewater drainage  system is separate,
           + Services for industrial purposes.
                                                         independent  from the  rainwater drainage  system;
           Internal transport: Being designed in chessboard-  the wastewater drainage network comprises of
           like model with the primary roads running along the   pits and wastewater culverts aimed to collect and
           North – South direction, average distance between   transport wastewater to the main culvert system of
           the primary roads is 1,000 m (regional-level primary   the common wastewater drainage network for the
           roads); the branch roads run parallel or perpendicular   entire industrial park.
           to the primary roads, distance between the branch
           roads is 400-600m.                            Communications: Telecommunication  network
                                                         shared with satellite station of  Tien Phong
           Power supply: Power supply is from susbstation   Industrial Park with a capacity of 10,000 lines; a
           TM8-110KV, with a capacity of 2x63MVA; initially   telecommunication network is being built according
           when the power line and 110KV substation are not   to NGN-oriented technology.
           yet available, it is expected to use currently available
           35KV medium-voltage  power  line.  From  110/22KV

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