P. 30


           - Location: Mac Dynasty Lagoon, Lien Vi Commune,   -  Power source:  In  the  first  phase,  power  source  is
           Quang  Yen  Town, Quang Ninh Province (road   from 35kV transmission line across the planning area.
           connecting Ha Long City to Bach Dang Bridge to the   When the project on port services area, port, industrial
           Southeast)                                    park and urban area of Mac Dynasty Lagoon is formed,
           - Area: 176.45 ha                             power source is from Mac Dynasty Lagoon 110kV
                                                         substation with 55,000kVA – 110/22kV transformer.
           -  Employer:  Hai  Phong  Auto  Repair  One-member
           Company Limited                               - Water source: Water is from Lien Vi Water Factory.
                                                         Water supply network is a combined water pipeline
           + Address: Lot KB 2.5 – MP Dinh Vu Industrial Park,
           Dong Hai 2 Ward, Hai An District, Hai Phong City  which supplies production, domestic and fire water
                                                         in the same pipeline. Fire water system is built to
           +  Tel: +84 986 986 433
                                                         serve for 02 fires at the same time.
           -  Characteristics: It is a complex of industrial park,   - Water drainage system and wastewater and waste
           port and warehouse and yard services in the seaport,   treatment system.
           industrial and urban area of Mac Dynasty Lagoon,
           Quang  Yen  Town. It is orientated to build light   + Wastewater is collected by D300 ÷ D600 reinforced
           industries, auxiliaries industries and office centers   concrete pipelines to the wastewater treatment
           for providing necessary services for the industrial   facility with  its capacity pf 7,200m3/day.night to
           park’s activities; and port and port services to accept   the Northeast of the Project to ensure wastewater
           10,000DWT to 20,000DWT ships.                 treatment in accordance with the applicable
                                                         standards and regulations.
           - Internal traffic system: Internal roads in the Project
           area are properly planned to arrange functional zones   + Daily hazardous wastes are collected to the
           and create continuous link and convenient traffic in   designated dump site and then classified and
           the Project area.                             transported to the common treatment facility.

                                                                 Industrial Parks of Quang Ninh Province
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