P. 35
VAN DON Coastal Economic Zone
1. Establishment decision: Decision No. 120/2007/ economic benefits but comply with regulations on
QD-TTg dated 26/7/2007 of Prime Minister environment protection and social security under
2. Scope, boundaries: the applicable laws of Vietnam; (iii) Mainly base on
resources for development, especially service areas;
- Comprises of the entire Van Don district, Quang
build infrastructures and develop production areas
Ninh province.
on a basis of attracting domestic and foreign stragetic
- Bordered by the sea area of Tien Yen and Dam Ha investors; (iv) Closely combine socio-economic
districts to the North; bordered by Co To district and development to defense, security, independence
the Gulf of Tonkin to the Southeast; bordered by Cam protection, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity,
Pha city, Ha Long City and Ha Long Bay to the West.
national benefits, political stability and social order;
3. Area: Natural area: over 2,171 km2, in which the and environmental protection; strength and expand
natural land area is over 581 km2, sea area is 1,589 km2 foreign cooperation relationship;
4. Development principles: (i) Speed up fast and 5. Objectives
sustainable socio-economic development in Van
To build Van Don Economic Zone as a green, modern
Don Economic Zone based on optimally exploiting
and smart urban area; as an economic and cultural
potentials andadvantages of Van Don; shift width
center of the zone with a focus on development of
to depth economic structure based on advanced
services and sectors applying advanced sciences and
scientific and technological foundations; and
technologies, new sectors and new technologies,
promote internal forces and attract external forces;
especially logistics services, advanced tourism and
(ii) Develop Van Don Economic Zone to create a
internationally modern entertainment industry and
breakthrough with a focus on industries and sectors
high-tech industries; and as a creative startup and
which have competitive advantages and bring socio-
international trade center of the zone.
32 Quang Ninh Economic Zone Authority