P. 9

CAI LAN                      INDUSTRIAL PARK

            I. General information
           - Location: Gieng Day and Bai Chay wards, Ha Long city, Quang Minh province.

           - Area: 78 ha
           - Infrastructure developer: Quang Ninh Cement and Construction Joint Stock Company

           + Address: Hop Thanh Zone, Phuong Nam ward, Uong Bi city, Quang Ninh province
           + Tel: +84 203 3668 355; Fax: +84 203 3668 354

           - Characteristics: Being the key industrial park of Ha Long City in particular and Quang Ninh province in
           general with harmonious technical, social infrastructure systems: Waste water treatment system meets the
           standards, in assurance of environmental requirements; Power and water supply systems ensure the demands
           by enterprises within the Industrial Park; the Industrial Park’s internal transport system, landscape architecture,
           trees, buildings, workers’ quarters are heavily invested, with high quality and professional utilities; being able to
           create a good, convenient and attractive environment for those who invest in the Industrial Park in assurance
           of the province’s guiding ideology, development orientation, in accordance with the master plan for socio-
           economic development of the province, its local construction planning and Planning on development of
           industrial parks, economic zones.

                  Quang Ninh Economic Zone Authority
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