P. 18


           I. General Information                       friendly projects; Production of accessories, electronic
           - Location: Dong Mai ward, Quang Yen district-level   components, electronic parts; Manufacture and
           Town, Quang Ninh province.                   assembly of automobiles, automobile spare parts,
                                                        manufacture of machine tools, equipment, spare parts
           - Infrastructure developer:  Viglacera  Infrastructure   in service of agricultural, forestry and fishery production;
           Investment Development Company
                                                        Production of materials replacing asbestos materials;
           + Address: 12th Floor, Viglacera Building, No. 1 Thang   Production, processing of clean, environment-friendly
           Long Boulevard, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District,   agricultural  products,  with hi-tech  applications;
           Hanoi City.                                  Production and refining of animal feeds, poultry and
           +  Tel: +84 24 3553 7888; Fax: +84 24 3553 7166   aquatic products; Production of beverage products.
           - Area: 167,86 ha                            II. Regional location and relations
           - Characteristics:  Being  a  multi-sector  industrial  - Distance from center of Hanoi city: About 120 km.
           park with hi-tech characteristics, with clean and  - Distance from center of Ha Long city, Quang Ninh
           environmentally friendly industries.         province: About 30 km
           - List of prioritized industries for investment  - Road: Located on National Route No. 18 from Hanoi
           attraction: Hi-tech applications within the list of hi-  City to Mong Cai International Border Gate; Linking
           techs prioritized for development; Hi-tech applications  with Hai Phong city (about 40 km from center of
           within the list of hi-tech products encouraged for  Hai Phong city) and Tonkin coastal provinces along
           development; Manufacture of industrial products to  National Route No. 10. Linking with Ha Long – Hai
           support development priorities; High tech investment,  Phong highway via Dai Yen Intersection about 13 km.
           venture capital for hi-tech development, production   - Seaport: About 20 km from Cai Lan port (Ha Long,
           of biotechnology products; Production of software  Quang Ninh); About 27 km from Dinh Vu port (Hai
           products, digital information content products, key  Phong City).
           information technology products; Production of new   - Airport: About 120 km from Noi Bai airport (Hanoi);
           materials, light construction materials, rare and precious   About 32 km from Cat Bi airport (Hai Phong); About
           materials, energy-saving projects, environmentally   80 km from Van Don airport (Quang Ninh)

                                                                 Industrial Parks of Quang Ninh Province
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