P. 22

drainage canal (Cross section 12-12): has a width of   day; The water supply network in the Industrial Park is
           24.0m; Cross section passed through by the current   designed as a loop system combined with dead end
           110 kV power line (Cross section 3-3): It has a cross   to ensure safe and continuous water supply.
           section of 48.0 m wide.                       - Drainage system, waste/waste water treatment system:
           - Public transport: Main bus routes along the primary   + Construction of wastewater drainage system
           road are arranged along the East – West direction,   separately with the rainwater drainage system.
           conveniently connects to terminal stations of the   + All the plants must have their own wastewater
           route and combines  with general public  transport   treatment system to clean the wastewater up to C
           system of the area.
                                                         limit according to Vietnam standard QCVN 40:2011/
           - Power supply: In the initial phase the power supply   BTNMT before being collected via separate sewer
           for the industrial park is connected to 110KV double-  system and transported to general wastewater
           circuit power line to Cho Roc station; in long term   treatment plant of the entire industrial park to clean
           the power supply shall be from Yen Hung 220 kV   for the 2nd time up to B limit before being discharged
           substation; a 110/22kVsubstation with a capacity of   into the receipt source.
           3x63MVA shall be constructed  specifically for the   + 2 wastewater treatment stations are arranged for the
           Industrial park.
                                                         Industrial Park with total capacity of 24,000 m3/day.
           - Water  supply: the main water source is from   + Daily wastes are collected and transported to the
           Yen Lap reservoir, supplying water through the   concentrated treatment point of the area, being the
           main canal Yen Lap flowing through the planning   Western solid waste treatment area in Uong Bi city
           area; Re-use the water sources of two wastewater   and Solid waste treatment center in Vu Oai commune,
           treatment plants for irrigation, washing;  Water   Hoa Binh, Hoanh Bo district; hazardous solid waste is
           supply headworks: Construction of 02 water supply   separately transported and treated at the hazardous
           plants  for the entire industrial park, to be  divided   solid waste treatment area.
           into water supply areas as follows: The western area
           shall be supplied with water by a water plant with a   - Communications:  Source  from Quang  Yen  Host
           capacity of around 13,000 m3/day; The eastern part is   Exchange with a capacity of 170,000 lines, about 5km
           supplied by a water plant with capacity of 14,000m3 /   to the South of the project.

                                                                 Industrial Parks of Quang Ninh Province
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