P. 19

Total Area
                                                                              167,86 HA

            - Railway: Being located adjacent to Yen Vien railway   wastewater treatment station of phase 1 (at the
            (Hanoi – Pha Lai – Ha Long – Cai Lan); About 08 km   Technical Infrastructure area to the North of the
            from Uong Bi station (Uong Bi, Quang Ninh).  industrial park) has a capacity of 1,100 m3/day, with
            III.  Technical Infrastructure               an area of 01 ha; the station of phase 1 (to the South
                                                         of the industrial park) has a capacity of 2.060 m3/day,
            -  Internal  transport:  The industrial park’s central
            road has a width of 57 m. Other internal roads of the   with an area of 2.7 ha.
            industrial parks have widths of 22.5 m and 19.5 m.  + The daily wastes are collected and transported to
                                                         concentrated treatment point of the area.
            - Power supply: From 110kV power line through
            the Industrial park and supply to substation /22KV-  - Communication system: a 2000-line telephone
            2x16MVA of the industrial park at the technical   exchange is planned at the operation center to meet
            infrastructure area. 22kV power network supplies   communication demands of the industrial park; the
            power to the Plants from the Substation via overhead   exchange is connected with information network of
            power line installed on pavement of traffic roads.  the Area by underground optical cables.
            - Water supply: Water is supplied from Yen Lap Water
            plant via the primary water supply pipeline along
            National Route No. 18 to water supply station inside
            the Industrial Park.
            -  Drainage system,  waste/waste  water  treatment
            + Surrounding the industrial park are the ditches
            to collect and drain rainwater for the industrial park
            and adjacent areas and then discharge into the
            general drainage system of the area; round culverts
            are arranged along the road to collect and transport
            all rainwater inside the industrial park to the ditches;
            drainage pits are arranged for thee sewers.
            +  Wastewater from plants is collected by pump
            stations to transport to concentrated wastewater
            treatment station of the entire industrial park. The

              16  Quang Ninh Economic Zone Authority
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