P. 42
1. Establishment Decision: Decision No. 19/2012/ modern infrastructure and comprehensive services
QD-TTg dated 10/4/2012 of the Prime Minister. network; international tourist center, a key national
2. Scope, boundaries: Comprises of the entire Mong tourism destination; with synchronous and modern
Cai city (including 17 subordinate administrative facilities, diversified tourism products; material,
units, being the following wards: Tra Co, Tran Phu, cultural and spiritual lives of the population shall
Ka Long, Ninh Duong, Hai Yen, Hai Hoa, Binh Ngoc, be constantly improved; national defense – security
Hoa Lac and Hai Tien, Van Ninh, Hai Dong, Quang are ensured, to become a formidable defense line to
Nghia, Vinh Thuc, Vinh Trung, Hai Son, Hai Xuan Bac protect national sovereignty and border.
Son); Hai Ha Seaport – Industrial Park (including 3 6. Model and spatial structure of the economic
administrative units, being the following communes: zone
Quang Dien, Quang Phong and Phu Hai); Hai Ha - Model and spatial structure shall be developed
town and Quang Thang, Quang Thanh, Quang Minh, under the “01 axis – 02 regions” scheme (North and
Cai Chien communes (Hai Ha district) South) with 03 centers (01 nucleus being the new
3. Area: The entire economic zone’s natural area is integrated urban area (Administrative center) and
about 121,197 ha, in which land area is about 66,197 02 dynamic centers which are Hai Ha Seaport –
ha and sea surface area is 55,000 ha. Industrial Park and Mong Cai Border City).
4. Characteristics: Center for economic - Spatial structure is divided into 05 primary
development, trade, tourism, services and seaport development areas: (1) Zone A: Mong Cai city (dynamic
of Northern midland and mountainous region, of center); (2) Zone B: Hai Ha area (dynamic center); (3)
Gulf of Tonkin Economic Belt and linking to Kunming Zone C: New Administrative, General Services Center
Economic Corridor (China); located in an important (the nucleus); (4) Zone D: Southern Sea/Island Tourism
position in terms of security and national defense of Area (Southern area); (5) Zone E: Border trade and
the Red River delta and the entire country. new rural development area (Northern area). In each
5. Development objectives: To become a sustainable area there shall be functional subdivisions including:
and dynamic economic growth pole of Quang Ninh International border gate area; industrial park; financial
province and Northern key economic region, to center; urban areas, residential areas and other
become an economic zone with synchronous and functional areas.
Economic Zones of Quang Ninh Province 39